
For some time, I have been thinking about the value of having a managed, well-designed community blog to provide a helpful, focused platform for sharing community health and safety information, all in a context that is interactive, enabling a sustained village discussion for exchanging important information, comments, perspectives, and suggestions.


Since blogs are AUTHOR centered, they are written in the author's voice and are organized in reverse chronological order with the most recent posts showing on the entry page reflecting the author's identity in the tone, look, and feel. This produces a forum within which organized, focused presentations of important community concerns can be presented to readers, who can then add comments to the author's posts, and visitors can also react to comments that are posted by others. Discussion boards do not allow such a level of presentation and exchange.

This blog site should greatly increase our ability to share such traffic information with residents and to facilitate a higher degree of shared community "ownership" of a range of health and safety issues.

We hope you will use the blog and contribute positively to its growth and value. No registration is required.