Click on the table to see a larger image. |
During that period of two-weeks and 3 days, 6.694 vehicles passed the monitor and were categorized in the following speed ranges: 1-5 mph, 6-10mph, 11-15mph, 16-20mph, 21-25mph, 26-30mph, 31-35mph, 36-40mph, 41-45mph, 46-50mph, 51-55mph.
As you may be able to see:
- 63% (4,233) of the vehicles were traveling between 1-30mph
- 36% (2,377)were traveling between 31-40mph (the so-called "low-risk" speeders), and
- only 0.01% (84) were traveling 41 mph or higher (the so-called "high-risk outliers")
The monitor plays an important role in reminding drivers of their traveling speed, and it does cause approximately 80% of drivers to slow down to a slightly lower speed that that which is being displayed.
If you now realize that a small percentage (but a significant number) of drivers go right on by without slowing their speed, you may be able to see why we refer to that category as being the "outliers." We have spent time identifying the parameters of this high-risk category over a considerable span of time (i.e., days of the week, times of the day, frequency of occurrence, and locations on six of the most heavily travelled roads in the village, our "arterials"), and have produced some enforcement tables to share with the Sheriff's Department.